Cyne Geisli


Hi! A few things right off the bat. My timezone is AEST or +10 GMT, so my active hours tend to be different to most. On top of this, I can be busy during the week, so Oceanic roleplayers are preferred (but not required!).

I prefer paragraph or multi-paragraph roleplay, give or take a little depending on how much scene needs to be set or how much dialogue needs to be said. I will not do combat roleplay unless I know you, in which case I'm a fan of T1 combat. I'm comfortable with almost all topics, though please note that I am not comfortable with spontaneous ERP.

Realism is very important to me! If something is in line with a character's intentions and it is realistic (and appropriately dramatic) to happen - I am willing to let it happen. For this reason, I'm open to discussing grittier parts of roleplay like maiming or character death. I'm also lore-strict, though I'm happy to bend some rules if it makes sense to do so.


Much like many other Viera, Cyne hails from the Golmore Jungle in Dalmasca. Upon her unfortunate exile for violating the Green Word, she was immediately thrust into the midst of Garlemald's brutal hold on the region, spending years under their cruel yoke and years more fighting with the resistance until eventually seeking asylum with a woman who would eventually become her namesake. Cyne now spends her time forging forward with her fierce resolve; hoping to eventually return to the Near East to tie up some loose ends.


  • Race

  •       Rava Viera

  • Age

  •       84

  • Sex

  •       Female

  • Health

  •       No health issues, back riddled with scars.

  • Likes

  •       Those devoted to a cause; all things nature; cooking.

Cyne is a confident and outgoing individual, to the extent of being cocky. Her arrogance often leads her to see everything as black or white; and further to this, have an extremely all-or-nothing, impulsive approach to life. She takes great pride in this (and herself), and won't take a slight sitting down. Nevertheless, Cyne does know how to relax and will often take a jocular approach to conversation and is often curious about others and their way of life.

While Cyne used to be rather matronly and pleasant in her younger years, her various experiences in Dalmasca have given her a jaded shell that is difficult to remove. She will often react with anger or violence; to more innocent extents with a tomboyish punch or kick, but to downright brawling if offended enough. The woman is particularly withdrawn around Eorzeans, but only immediately hostile to Garleans or sympathisers.


  1. Viera: Rare in Eorzea, she enjoys interacting with her kinsmen when she has the chance. Cyne's incessant patriotism and lingering care for her own people leads her to have an interesting reaction to those she deems 'kin' - ranging from anger to pity to downright affection.

  2. Mercenary: Cyne flits between all kinds of work and would undoubtedly be interested in making some coin. She has no love for fighting but would do just about anything for the correct price. Otherwise, she always has need of those to maintain her weaponry or companions with which to do work.

  3. Gunblade: She frequently carries what is clearly a well-maintained Garlean officer's gunblade with a storied history that she may or may not share. Garleans may view this as a slight. Tinkerers may be interested in its workings.

  4. Rabanastre: As one of the unfortunate souls subjected to the Garlean occupation of the lost city, Cyne spent nigh on a decade escaping Garlean custody and fighting for the resistance. Memories of such an event cling to her like a tumour; but also allow others to have a common point of contact. A friend in the resistance? A civilian occupant of the city? Message for details.